1. The best and most creditable hair transplant clinics in Turkey
It is essential to know that only a few numbers of these clinics are qualified and licensed for performing hair restoration procedures. On the other hand, the majority of the clinics that you see their names on websites or in magazines are not well qualified to perform the procedure.
2. Hair Transplant Record in Turkey
One of the factors of choosing a hair transplant doctor is the doctor's or the clinic's record and experiences. 70% of the hair transplant clinics in Turkey have less than two years of experience.
3. Hair Transplant Doctors
It would be best if you got perfectly acquainted with the doctor and his/her qualifications before travelling to another country for medical services. You have the right to get familiar with the doctor's experiences and medical and educational background.
4. Medical Tourism Facilitator Companies in Turkey
Turkey has many tourists' attention regarding the advertisements in recent years. Many facilitator companies have been established, as well. Many of these companies are not qualified for the tourism and medical services as well as the clinics. We published a list of the eligible medical tourism companies approved by the Turkey government. It would be best to consider the list before making a choice.
5. Turkey; the cheapest destination for hair transplantation
There have been many advertisements in both big and small companies in Turkey; claiming they provide hair transplant services with the lowest cost. However, you can get a hair transplant in Iran with lower cost and higher quality.
6. Impractical Invented Techniques
Many hair transplant clinics and companies in Turkey has invented techniques which they state that you will receive unbelievably amazing results. You can search for the methods all over the internet; therefore, you will find out they don't even exist.
7. The Costs' Lack of Clarity
Many of the medical services facilitator companies in Turkey obtain their income from declaring unclear prices. They inform you about a competitive price before your visit and on the other hand they receive a considerable amount of money because of the costs of medication, airport transfer, and after treatment PRP. Therefore, it is better to consider all the information before your hair transplant trip to Turkey or to require an invoice from the clinic or the company.
8. After Treatment Follow up
The transplanted would fall out after a month passed the procedure. Afterwards, hair grows out of the remained follicles. In this time you must stay in touch with your doctor or consultant; however, this time will be spent on attracting new patients in Turkey because of the large number of candidates.
9. Transplanted hair strands
A high quality hair transplantation procedure depends on a larger number of transplanted hair grafts, high density and an adequate method. Many medical facilitator companies in Turkey claim that there will be 1000 more hair transplanted compared to the competitor companies. Keep this in mind that you won't be able to tell the exact number of the transplanted hair, therefore don't be deceived by these numbers. Find a hair transplantation doctor in Iran and trust him/her.
10. Advertisement at the airport or around embassies
Avoid people who offer hair transplant services at the airports or advertise around embassies. You may never be able to contact them again after you pay and chances are, you haven't visited an adequate doctor.
In conclusion, try not to get misled by the unfounded advertisements. It would be best if you chose your doctor or clinic based on the hair transplantation results; therefore, you select the best clinic. We recommend that you give a thought to other countries and consider getting a hair transplant in Iran particularly. Iran is a country with many specialist doctors and competitive prices regarding a large number of clinics of hair transplant. It will help if you do quick research for the clinic you've selected on google to minimize the risks and travel consciously to get hair transplantation. We hope the information proves to be helpful.
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